Eva Zalve

Speaker | 2015 2016

Director & Owner

Director of the independent and internationally active consultancy company ZoneVisual, based in Zurich, Switzerland. The company specialized in the Spanish Audiovisual Industry and in Financial Engineering for TV productions linked to advertisement. Since its creation, ZoneVisual has served a number of international companies and customers. A deep knowledge of the management of Audiovisual Industries, Project Development, Commercial Strategies and Deal Making repeatedly resulted to be crucial for the success of the projects.

In September 2007, was asigned as Expert Consultant for the Cultural Industries by the ICEX., Spain trade and Investment. Since March 2008, Eva Zalve is the Communication and PR agency of ICEX for the international brands Audiovisual from Spain and Animation from Spain.

Previosly, She worked for the Spanish public broadcaster Radio Television EspaƱola as Director of Sales and Business affairs and for EPG Europe as Director.